How to Install an SSL Certificate on IIS 8?

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Install an SSL Certificate on IIS 8

Learn How to Install SSL Certificate on IIS 8

If you’re running a website on Internet Information Services (IIS) 8, securing it with an SSL certificate is essential. This guide will help you install SSL certificate IIS 8, providing you with a secure and reliable platform for your website.

Generate CSR

Before you can install an SSL certificate on your Internet Information Services (IIS) 8 server, you need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). You have two options for generating a CSR for IIS 8.

Whichever method you choose, once you have generated your CSR, you can then proceed with the process of obtaining an SSL certificate from a certificate authority (CA) and installing it on your IIS 8 server.

How to Install SSL Certificate in IIS 8?

To finalize the installation of your SSL certificate, follow these steps after it has been validated and issued by the certificate authority:

  • Download and save your SSL certificate (.cer file) in a directory on your server.
  • Open the Internet Information Services Manager by going to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services Manager.
  • In the Connections menu on the left, locate your server and double-click the Server Certificates icon.
  • In the right Actions pane, click on Complete Certificate Request.
  • In the Complete Certificate Request window, specify the path to your .cer certificate file and give it a Friendly Name. Choose Personal as the certificate store and click OK.
  • In the Connections section, expand the Sites folder and select the website you want to secure.
  • In the Actions menu on the top-right, select Bindings.
  • In the Site Bindings window, click Add.
  • In the Add Site Binding window, select HTTPS as the Type, All Unassigned or your IP address as the IP address, 443 as the Port, and the friendly name of the imported certificate as the SSL certificate. Check the Require Server Name Indication box for multiple SSL installations on the same server.
  • Click OK and Close, then restart the website by clicking Restart in the Manage Website section.

Note: If your SSL certificate file extension is *.crt (PEM-encoded format), you may need to import root and intermediate certificates to the server through Microsoft Management Control (MMC). For *.cer and *.p7b files (PKCS#7 format), no additional actions are required.

With these steps completed, your website is now secured with the HTTPS version!

Where to Buy an SSL Certificate for the Microsoft IIS Server?

Cheap SSL Web is the ultimate solution for all your SSL requirements. As partners with the leading certificate authorities, we offer unbeatable prices for all SSL products. All our certificates are compatible with Microsoft IIS, ensuring that your website and email correspondence are secure. Choose Cheap SSL Web for all your SSL needs.

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Janki Mehta

Janki Mehta

Janki Mehta is a Cyber-Security Enthusiast who constantly updates herself with new advancements in the Web/Cyber Security niche. Along with theoretical knowledge, she also implements her practical expertise in day-to-day tasks and helps others to protect themselves from threats.

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