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Ensuring secure and protected connections for your Kerio Connect mail server requires the installation of an SSL certificate. This comprehensive guide provides detailed instructions on how to successfully install an SSL certificate on your Kerio Connect mail server.
However, before proceeding with the SSL certificate installation on Kerio Connect, obtaining an SSL cert from a reliable and recognized CA (Certificate Authority) is crucial. The first step to get an SSL cert issued by a CA is to submit a CSR (An encoded text submitted to a Certificate Authority to verify your company’s or website’s identity.) to them. And, to submit a CSR, you need to create one, so let’s understand how to accomplish that.
To create or generate a CSR, you have two options:
Follow the steps mentioned below to install an SSL certificate on Kerio Connect:
Let’s explore each of these steps in detail.
Once your request has been successfully verified (validated) by the Certificate Authority, they send you the SSL certificate and other files, such as the Intermediate certificate, Private Key, etc., in a .zip folder. Typically, this folder is delivered to your designated email address. Upon receiving the email, unzip the received folder and verify that you have all the files mentioned below:
After confirming the presence of all the files, the next step is to extract them to your local machine or any preferred location. Follow the steps given below to extract the files:
Note: Alternatively, you can also drag and drop the files to the new location.
Follow the steps mentioned below to add an SSL cert to the Kerio Connect mail server:
Here’s the format for your reference:
(Server certificate)
(Intermediate certificate)
Testing SSL certificate installation is a must, as it helps to point out and rectify any potential SSL and installation-related concerns or vulnerabilities. The best way to test the installation is to use SSL Checker Tool, it is a valuable tool that enables you to verify the proper implementation of a chain certificate quickly. It is advisable to proactively test the chain certificate after the SSL certificate implementation to ensure its integrity.