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If you’re a Mac user, you can easily export your code signing certificate to use on other systems. Here’s how to export code signing in Safari on Mac.
Start by opening Keychain Access, which is located in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder on your Mac.
In the Keychain Access window, locate and select your code signing certificate.
Right-click on the certificate and choose ‘Export’ from the drop-down menu. This will initiate the export process.
The next step is to choose the file format for the exported certificate. Select the Personal Information Exchange (.p12) file format.
To secure your exported certificate, you’ll need to add a password. Then, choose a location to save the .p12 file.
Your code signing certificate is now ready to be used on other systems and for code signing and digital signature applications. Make sure to keep the exported certificate file secure and in a location that you can easily access in the future.”
Now let us see how to export code signing in Firefox on Mac.
If you’re using Firefox, here’s how to export your code signing certificate as a PKCS12 (.PFX) file:
Your standard code signing certificate is now available in the destination directory you selected as a PKCS12 file, ready to be imported into other systems for code signing and digital signature applications.