Differences Between Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption Explained In this article, you will learn about the differences between Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption, how they work, and what are their…
Understanding PKI Certificates as a beginner in cybersecurity doesn’t have to be hard. Follow along as we explain the basics to you. While browsing your device settings or the internet,…
Inexpensive SSL Certificate Provider Certera Focused Towards Domain Validated SSL Certera SSL (Subordinate Public Certificate Authority) of Sectigo is the known SSL certificate provider that specializes in offering domain-validated SSL…
Legit Vs Fake Website: Spot the Difference Between Fake and Real Website with 10 Proven & Tested Methods We often encounter several websites while strolling the internet about which we…
In the current interconnected world, the possibility of cyberattacks is inevitable. As per stats, the number of zero-day attacks has increased by almost 200% since 2011. And this number is…
What is a Certificate Authority (CA)? A Certificate Authority (CA) is an organization that provides digital SSL/TLS Certificates to entities that deal with collecting and storing user data. These entities…
Understanding Asymmetric Encryption: How it is Used to Protect the Data Along with its Working, Applications & Advantages The importance of data in today’s world can not be disregarded. It…