What is Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA?

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Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA

Enhancing Website Security with Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA

Confused after reading the term “Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA?” Or, do you have questions related to this certificate, such as what it is or what type of encryption it uses to encrypt its signature keys? Don’t worry; you are at the right place. In this article, we will explain everything that is there to know about Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Certificate.

What is Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA?

Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA is a digital certificate used for secure web browsing. Sectigo RSA Domain Validation certificate performs various actions, such as :

  • Securing sensitive information by encrypting the data.
  • Authenticating the identity of the web server to validate that an unauthorized entity is not imposing itself as a genuine one.
  • Maintaining data’s confidentiality and integrity by using robust encryption algorithms.

Sectigo RSA Certificate

In order to properly understand Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA, it would be nice to first break it into two parts – Sectigo and RSA.

Sectigo – Global Certificate Authority

Before October 2018, Sectigo was known by a different name – Comodo. It was in 2018 that Francisco Partners acquired Comodo, and the firm decided to rebrand it by giving it a new name – Sectigo.

After the rebranding, all of the Comodo digital certificates and sub-brands like PositiveSSL and InstantSSL are now sold under the Sectigo CA brand name. And even the digital certificates that were sold before the rebranding are now under the Sectigo CA brand.

So, the term “Sectigo” in Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA denotes the CA that has issued the certificate.

RSA – The Hashing Algorithm 

RSA is a hashing algorithm. And, if you find the term “RSA” over any of the SSL certificates, it simply means that the RSA algorithm has been used to encrypt the signature keys of the certificate.

The security of the RSA algorithm depends on the size of the keys used. Before 2021, the 2040-bit RSA key size was widely used in all SSL certificates. But now, the minimum key size required or expected for RSA encryption is 2048 bits.

After much progress in the technology sector, a new algorithm has been developed. This algorithm is faster and lighter in comparison to the RSA algorithm, and this new algorithm is known as “elliptic curve cryptography, or ECC.

So, next time while purchasing an SSL certificate, do check whether that certificate supports the ECC algorithm or not.

What is the significance of “Domain Validation” in Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA?

SSL certificates can also be classified or differentiated on the basis of the authentication type. There are three recognized categories, such as:

The term “Domain Validation” in Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA denotes that the certificate is using a domain validation (DV). This type of validation is quite popular and commonly used because of three reasons:

  • Easiest certificate to get:  CA only verifies whether the entity requesting the certificate is the real owner of the domain name or not.
  • Quickest certificate to get: The validation process is relatively simple and automated, and the certificate is issued within an hour or so.
  • Least expensive certificate to get: These certificates offer a lower level of validation and minimum human intervention from the CA in comparison to the other two types.

On the other hand, OV and DV authentication certificates are high-end certificates that are mainly made for big organizations, businesses, or industries. These types of certificates are much more costly than DV certificates, but they do provide a higher level of trust and security.

Is the Sectigo RSA Domain Validation CA certificate an Intermediate or a Sectigo SSL (Root) certificate?

The Sectigo RSA Domain Validation CA certificate is a type of Intermediate Certificate. An Intermediate Certificate issues each Sectigo’s subscriber certificates, and Sectigo refers to them as Issuer CA certificates.

Note: Intermediate certificate is a certificate that acts as a middleman and is used to sign SSL (Leaf) certificates.

Sectigo’s SSL (Leaf) certificate is directly issued to a website to prove its identity. An Issuer CA certificate signs this type of certificate. And this Issuer CA certificate is signed by Sectigo’s Trusted Root Certificate.

The process of using an intermediate root to sign the leaf certificate provides an extra layer of security as it prevents the Certificate Authority’s Root Certificate from compromising due to any cyber attack.

What will happen if Root Certificate gets compromised? If something like this happens, then in that case, all the Intermediate Certificates signed by the Root Certificate and all SSL (Leaf) Certificates signed by Intermediate Certificate will become invalid. The whole chain of trust will break.

Note: Intermediate Certificates are cross-signed certificates. The Root Certificates are self-signed and are at the top of the chain of trust model.

Where to Download Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA?

Here is the list of source where you can download the secure server CA certificates.

[Download] Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA [ Intermediate ]
[Download ] USERTrust RSA Root xSigned using AAA CA [ Cross Signed ]
[Download] Sectigo RSA DV Bundle [ Intermediate + Cross Signed ]

Where to Buy a Sectigo RSA Certificate?

Suppose you plan to purchase a Sectigo RSA Certificate. In that case, I highly recommend you take advantage of massive discounts (up to 80% on retail price) by purchasing directly from CheapSSLWeb.

Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your website with a trusted SSL certificate at a fraction of the cost. Visit CheapSSLWeb.com today to get started.

SECTIGO Positive SSL Certificate at $4.99/yr.

Buy or renew Sectigo Positive SSL certificate at low price from CheapSSLweb.com. Protect your entire domain with a single domain SSL certificate.

Janki Mehta

Janki Mehta

Janki Mehta is a Cyber-Security Enthusiast who constantly updates herself with new advancements in the Web/Cyber Security niche. Along with theoretical knowledge, she also implements her practical expertise in day-to-day tasks and helps others to protect themselves from threats.

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